Pioppi World Capital of the Mediterranean Diet

Pioppi was founded around 994 A.C. and was named after the many poplars that grew there. It is part of the National Park of the Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni, in province of Salerno, Italy. For the sweetness of its sea and the liveliness of its Marina, Pioppi became one of the most desired seaside stations of the Cilento: it has been awarded the “Blue Flag” ever since this accreditation was founded, today it boasts another accreditation: that of the famous “Cinque Vele” (Five Sails). Its limpid and clear sea does not know any kind of pollution; therefore its waters reflects the sky in the distance of its luxuriant hills of Mediterranean maqui carpeted with century old olive trees.

Its coast was one of the “velini ports” and was part of the territory of “Kora” of Velia. It was also an important commercial seaport. In the first half of 1600 a chapel entitled to Santa Maria del Carmelo (Our Lady of Mount Carmel) was built on the seaside and became a center of great devotion. Until the end of the 70’s of the last century, the village was known for the fishing of anchovies and sardines.

At the end of the 50’s, two important American researchers came to Pioppi: Ancel and Margaret Keys, from the University of Minneapolis (Minnesota). These “Marco Polo” of Medicine built a house there with a special garden and where they lived for a long period during the year (for almost forty years), carrying out their studies on human nutrition and on prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The Sea Museum and the Mediterranean Diet Museum are today open at Palazzo Vinciprova.


Here are some proofs of the nearness between Ancel and Margaret Keys and Consalvo’s Family: